as he had done in the past, Americans had "tortured people" after the attacks of September 11, 2001, calling not to judge too harshly .
"We did a lot of things right, but we tortured people," he said, referring to the next declassification of a parliamentary report on the interrogation techniques used by the CIA between 2002 and 2006, during the President George W. Bush.
"When we used certain enhanced interrogation techniques, techniques that I believe that any honest person and should be considered as torture, we have crossed a line," said he continued, in a point Press the White House.
Interrogation techniques
After the attacks of September 11, 2001, the CIA captured dozens of people suspected of links with Al Qaeda, and used to "muscular interrogation techniques." These methods included sleep deprivation, the exposure of the inmate or waterboarding.
Recalling that it had banned these methods upon his arrival at the White House, Obama has however warned against any judgment "too preachy" in this period. "I think when we look back, it is important to remember how many people were afraid after the fall of the Twin Towers (WTC), the Pentagon had been hit, a plane had crashed in Pennsylvania "has he said. "People did not know whether further attacks were imminent. There was tremendous pressure on the shoulders of the security forces and our national security teams to try to cope with this situation," he said.
Mr. Obama, who has always supported the declassification of the parliamentary report found that it would be useful to help the United States to turn the page. "We must, as a country, our responsibilities facing what happened so that I hope it does not happen again in the future," he said.