
Saturday, March 22, 2014

UN expert : " Israel Policy smells like apartheid and ethnic cleansing "

By : admin - 03/21/14 , 16u38 - Source: Belga

© ap . Professor Richard Falk .

The independent expert of the Human Rights Council of the United Nations for the occupied Palestinian territories , the American Richard Falk , has reiterated the policy of Israel in these areas denounced today , saying that the policy of the characteristics of " apartheid " and " ethnic cleansing " generates .

The Israeli settlement Ramt Shlomo near East Jerusalem .
" The reality on the ground is worse , from the standpoint of international law as well as the Palestinian people ," said the ambassador in Geneva to journalists . He accused Israel of " systematic and continuous efforts to change the ethnic composition of East Jerusalem " , of " excessive use of force " , of " collective punishment " in Gaza , the destruction of homes and building more settlements .

" There is a systematic discrimination based on ethnic identity , with the intention to change the demographics of Jerusalem ," said Falk . He called this a form of " ethnic cleansing " .

Since 1996, more than 11,000 Palestinians lost their right to live in Jerusalem, he stressed. " What we call occupation , today is increasingly understood as a form of annexation , a basis for apartheid in the sense that a dual legal system is discriminatory . "

Falk 's mandate runs out in a few days , after a six-year mission . The 82 -year-old professor emeritus at Princeton University 's Jewish himself , so he can sweep . Allegations of anti-Semitism in its address table