The 15-minute waiting period for the VTC is suspended
The Council of State suspended , Wednesday, February 5 , the execution of a dispute between the companies Cars with driver ( VTC ) who considered too favorable to traditional taxis decree , because of the constraints it imposed on VTC booking.
Seizure referred, the highest administrative court decided to suspend the period of 15 minutes between the booking and management of customer imposed VTC , arguing that the decree " carries a serious and immediate threat to the economic interests " of applicants, including Allocab society , responsible for the request.
The magistrate also believes that the decree " hinders the development in France of an offer to transport persons with prior reservation. Decree infringes the freedom of trade and industry and free enterprise ," according to the decision of which AFP copy .
The Council of State must now review the case on the merits to determine whether or not the final termination of the order , probably by the end of the year .
A brake soon rose to the development of VTC ?
The lawyer society Allocab , Mr. Patrice Spinosi , the decision of the highest administrative court is " a first step towards the final victory of the VTC " .
"I am optimistic for the future, since the decision of the Competition Authority we know that the law was to our benefit. We now have confirmation ," said Patrice Spinosi .
Faced with the discontent of taxis, who feel that their companies are VTC unfair competition , the government decided to act by decree to impose a mandatory 15-minute delay between the booking and management of client VTC .
Companies VTC saw in this period a hindrance to their development , forcing them to double the average time care .
End of June , nearly 5,300 companies were registered VTC , nearly half in Ile- de- France , and they operated more than 9,800 vehicles. 17,000 taxi licenses have been distributed by the Prefecture of Police.